J2EE Training in Bangalore
Software Development (Mobile, Desktop, Web), Healthcare, Financial services, Retail sales, Insurance and Education are some of the top industries that use Java J2EE for software development and automation. Our J2EE training in Bangalore helps build and validate your programming skills with real-time practice sessions. Our J2EE course syllabus has been designed by Java experts. We regularly update J2EE syllabus to keep pace with the latest software development upgrades. We assure that you will be learning the latest programming language.
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) is the collection of API’s. It is primarily used to build large scale, distributed and component based multi-tier applications using server-side programming. Java was originally from Sun Microsystems, but has been acquired by Oracle now and it is in very high standards now. As it is API based, it has lot of reusable code and it is easy to do programming using J2EE.
Student Review About Our J2EE Training in Bangalore
Actually I was a Test engineer working with Manual testing for around 8 months. But I was not at all interested to continue in same profile. So I Joined TIB Academy to get trained in Java. I already had knowledge on Core Java, as core Java as my hobby. I straight away started J2EE course. I really got a very good learning experience in Global Training Bangalore. And I was lucky to move on to J2EE projects in the organisation where I am working.
More About Our J2EE Training in Bangalore
- Nowadays J2EE has become popular in current market because of its platform independence and enterprise application services features.
- Every new release of Java EE is evolving with new features that enhance the application portability, developer productivity and also to meet the industry needs.
- Global Training Bangalore is the best J2EE training center in Bangalore where you will be exposed to differentiated learning environment as the course syllabus has been prepared by the highly experienced professionals. With this course, you can learn about Java EE architecture, MVC, JSP (Java Server Pages), JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library), custom tags, servlet capabilities and lot more. Please check below for the detailed syllabus.
Prerequisites to Get Best J2EE Training in Bangalore
- Strong knowledge on Core Java and Object Oriented Programming.
- If you are already familiar with the above, this course will be quite easy for you to grasp the concepts. Otherwise, experts are here to help you from the basics of Java programming.
J2EE Training in Bangalore with Jobs and Placements
- J2EE is especially suitable for the experience people who are already aware of Java programming. If you already have work experience on the above, then this course can be an add-on to your profile. That will make you confident to find more J2EE job opportunities easily.
- If you possess strong J2EE experience with Core Java, OOPS, data structure and linux, you can get job as J2EE Developer.
- If you possess J2EE as a co-skill with Spring, Hibernate, JSP servlets, Junit, you can get job as Senior J2EE developer or Senior Software Engineer.
- If you possess J2EE as a co-skill along with Java, software development, JMS, Restful web services and design patterns, you can get job as Senior Product Developer or Backend developer.
- If you possess J2EE as a co-skill with AWS, you can get job as J2EE AWS Architect.
- Some of the companies that hire for J2EE are Oracle, HP, Shell, JPMorgan, CGI, Capgemini, UnitedHealth Group, and some consultants like Virtusa.
Compared to other training institutes, Global Training Bangalore is one of the best J2EE training institutes in Bangalore where you can acquire the best training and placement guidance.
What is Special About Our Java J2EE Training in Bangalore?
- Global Training Bangalore is the only institute providing the best J2EE course in Bangalore. They have top experienced industrial professionals as their trainers; they are working in top rated MNCs and Corporates with years of real time experience. So they will surely boost you to become the best Java programmer.
- As their trainers are all currently working, the J2EE training program will be usually scheduled during weekdays early mornings between 7AM to 10AM, weekdays late evenings between 7PM to 9:30PM and flexible timings in weekends. They provide J2EE classroom training, J2EE online training and J2EE weekend training based upon the student’s time convenience. This training will make you to feel like obtaining the best J2EE training and placement support in Bangalore with moderate J2EE course fees.
- The practical sessions throughout the course will help you to enhance your technical skills and confidence. Their connections to the job world will surely help you achieve your dream job. So take action now grab the wonderful J2EE training in Bangalore with placement opportunities.

J2EE Course Timing & Duration
J2EE Classroom Training Timing
Mon – Fri : 7 AM to 10 AM & 7 PM to 9.30 PM
Sat & Sun : Flexible Timing
Duration : 30 – 35 hrs.
J2EE Online Training Timing
Mon – Fri : 7 AM to 10 AM & 7 PM to 9.30 PM
Sat & Sun : Flexible Timing
Duration : 5 weeks
J2EE Fast Track Training
Duration : within 15 days.
Please contact us soon to book your preferable time slot.
J2EE Training in Bangalore Reviews

For J2EE Training Support
+91 9513332301 / 02 / 03
J2EE Training in Bangalore Syllabus
1.Java EE Introduction
- Java EE Overview
- Java EE Technologies
- Java EE Architecture
- Servlets and JSP with the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) Web Application Basics
- How the Web works, Thin Clients, TCP/IP
- HTTP overview, Brief HTML review
- Overview of Java EE, servlets & Web applications
- Servlet Basics
- Servlet API
- HTML Forms
- HTTP: Request-response, headers, GET, POST
- Overview: How Servlets Work
- Servlet Lifecycle: init(), service(), destroy()
- Requests and responses
- Core Servlet API: GenericServlet, ServletRequest, and ServletResponse
- HTTP Servlets: HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and HttpServlet
- Accessing Parameters
- Additional Servlet Capabilities
- HTTP headers and MIME types
- RequestDispatcher: Including and forwarding
- Sharing data with the request object attributes
- Sharing data with ServletContext attributes
- Error Handling
- JavaServer Pages
- Basics and Overview
- JSP architecture
- JSP tags and JSP expressions
- Fixed Template Data
- Lifecycle of a JSP
- Model View Controller (MVC)
- Model 1/Model 2 Architecture
- Data Sharing among servlets & JSP
- Object scopes or “buckets”
- Request, application, session and page scope
- Predefined JSP implicit objects (request, session, application, page)
- ‹jsp:useBean›
- ‹jsp:getProperty›, ‹jsp:setProperty›
- ‹jsp:include›, ‹jsp:forward›
- Using Custom Tags
- Custom tags overview
- Reducing JSP complexity
- Tag Libraries
- Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)
- Loading a tag library in a web app
- The JSTL
- JSP Expression Language (EL)
- Using custom tags
- The c:url, c:param, c:forEach, c:out tags
- More JSP Capabilities and Session Management
- HTTP as a stateless protocol
- Hidden form fields
- Cookies: Overview, API, Using cookies
- Session overview: Cookies and session tracking
- HttpSession
- Putting data into a session object
- Retrieving data from a session object
- Using session data in servlets and JSPs
- Additional JSP Capabilities
- Exception handling and error pages
- Directives (page, include, others)
- Import declarations
- Multithreading considerations and data safety
- Single Thread Model interface
- Additional JSP Capabilities
- JSP Directives
- JSP Error Pages
- JSP and Java
- Declarations, Scriptlet overview, Scriptlet syntax
- More JSTL
- Overview of JSTL libraries
- The JSTL Expression Language
- Expressions, Type Coercion, Operators, String concatenation, Implicit Objects
- The Core JSTL Library
- General Purpose: c:out, c:set, c:catch
- Conditional: c:if, c:choose,
- Overview of other capabilities & Additional Topics
2.Servlet Filter overview
- Filtering examples, lifecycle, & filter chains
- Filter API, Modifying a request, modifying a response
- Introduction
- Relational Database and JDBC Overview
- Overview, Table Relationships, Web Based Data Access, JDBC Characteristics
- JDBC Architecture, JDBC API Overview
- Driver Manager, JDBC Drivers
- Naming databases with JDBC URLs
- Connecting to a database
- Connection interface, Establishing a connection
- DataBase MetaData
- Handling Database Exceptions
- Data Access
- DAO – Data Access Objects, O-R Mapping, Value Objects Processing Database Data
- Executing statements, precompiled statements and stored procedures
- Processing ResultSets
- Dealing with Null data
- Updating, inserting, retrieving data
- Controlling Transactions
- JDBC Driver Types, DataSource
- Java EE and DataSource, Using JNDI
- Connection Pooling
- Overview, Usage, Advantages